About Us


We hand-craft simple, beautiful, vegan soap, skin and bath products that are packed with natural ingredients and are free from harsh sulphates, artificial additives and plastic packaging. Using blends of essential oils and botanicals we draw inspiration from the magnificent Northumberland countryside to produce incredible aromas that stimulate and restore the senses.



The association between nature and wellbeing is undeniable. Here at ASC we believe that in keeping our products vegan, natural, free from harsh chemicals and artificial additives we can bring you a product that is both beautiful and kind.  Being a plastic-free company is a no brainer. So much of Northumberland’s countryside is unspoilt and sometimes wild and this is what makes it so special. Trying to reduce our use of plastics and living more sustainably means we are taking care of both our landscape and our bodies, whether this is through using soap rather than shower gel in plastic bottles or using only recyclable products for our packaging.

 Alnwick Soap Co at the Market


Founded in 2020 the inspiration for our soap business has roots that go way back.

25 years ago, I was a newly qualified teacher in County Durham and was asked to accompany some students on a sailing trip to Holy Island, a total unknown to us all. Mid way through the week our skipper dropped anchor, rowed us all ashore and disappeared for a pint to the pub on the beach. The rest of us were left in one of the most beautiful places I had ever been; a deserted beach, a castle on the hill, cheeping sea birds and the most amazing light.  As the evening went on, we played and explored rock pools and the time was transformative. We all felt at peace and happy and, at the end of our trip, agreed it had been the highlight.*

Northumberland is magical and never leaves you.

After many holidays to the County my husband and I moved to Alnwick in 2004, started our family and I later began work in our local secondary school as a mentor for young people. Through my work with them the association between wellbeing and spending time in nature become more pronounced and so I began to think more about the transformative power of this place.

How to bottle it? Well of course, you can’t but using essential oils in our products goes a little way towards bringing the experience home. Inspired by bracing sea walks, strolls through rose gardens, exploring woodland and cosy firesides, the aromas in our products and the benefits of the oils can restore the mind and body. Keeping products simple, vegan and free from harsh chemicals also aids in the process.

Our products can now be found across Northumberland (see our stockist list) and selling face to face in Markets almost every weekend, spreading our message of sustainability, love of Northumberland and soap! Our full range is also available in this on-line shop.

Anne-Marie Carter (Soap-Maker-in-Chief)

*Newton-by-the-Sea in case you were wondering. Still one of my most very favourite places on earth, especially when The Ship Inn has fresh crab stotties and cold beer!